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Friday, June 12, 2009

Embryology MCQ 0005

When stem cell transforms to form other tissues, the process is called as:

  1. Dedifferentiation
  2. Redifferentiation
  3. Transdifferentiation
  4. Sub differentiation

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The Correct option is C

Explanation with High Yield Facts:

Transdifferentiation: a non-stem cell transforms into a different type of cell, or when an already differentiated stem cell creates cells outside its already established differentiation.

  1. The change of a cell or tissue from one differentiated state to another.
  2. The differentiation of a tissue-specific stem cell into another type of cell as, for example, a bone marrow stem cell differentiating into a neuron.
    • Transdifferentiation is a type of metaplasia, which includes all cell fate switches, including the inter conversion of stem cells.
    • Evidence for transdifferentiation in adult humans is given by Barrett's metaplasia in which epithelial cells of the oesophagus switch to intestinal mucin-secreting goblet cells.


  1. The process by which cells become progressively more specialized;
  • a normal process through which cells mature. This process of specialization for the cell comes at the expense of its breadth of potential. Stem cells can, for example, differentiate into secretory cells in the intestine.
  1. In cancer, differentiation refers to how mature (developed) the cancer cells are in a tumour.
  • Differentiated tumour cells resemble normal cells and tend to grow and spread at a slower rate than undifferentiated or poorly differentiated tumour cells, which lack the structure and function of normal cells and grow uncontrollably.

Dedifferentiation: Dedifferentiation is a cellular process where a partially or terminally differentiated cell reverts to an earlier developmental stage.

  • a loss of differentiation of cells and of their orientation to one another and to their axial framework and blood vessels, a characteristic of tumour tissue; also called anaplasia.

Redifferentiation: the return of a dedifferentiated tissue or part to its original or another more or less similar condition.


Further differentiation into sub-types e.g., T lymphocytes sub-differentiate into Helper, killer and suppressor subsets.

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